Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thesis is Complete! For now..............


Hello all! I am so please to say after all my blood, sweat, and tears, my thesis has been approved by the Savannah College of Art and Design! I now have my Masters degree in Interactive Design and Game Development! I want to take the time to thank all who helped and supported me throughout this entire process. Thank You!

As I close this chapter on my life I now look to the future to create more positive and inspirational characters for future generations.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Joshua's 3D Game Model is Complete!

Here's Joshua's finished 3D game model! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!

Here's his concept art that I designed just to remind you.

I started by texturing his high polygon 3D ZBrush model.

Then I transferred the all textures onto my low polygon model that I made using the Nex 1.6 plugin for Maya.

And it all started from this 3D model. This is my very first attempt at Joshua.

A million and one mistakes later has led me to this new 3D model. Once again not a bad leap forward!

J-Dirty's 3D Game Model is Complete!

Here it is ladies and gentlemen the final low polygon game model for J-Dirty! Enjoy!

I tried to get it as close to the concept art as I could but also add extra little details.

 First I painted the textures on this high polygon ZBrush Model.

Then I transferred the all textures onto my low polygon model that I made using the Nex 1.6 plugin for Maya.

 I can't believe it all started from this 3D model. This is my very first attempt at modeling J-Dirty.

It has lead me to this latest version of J-Dirty. I'd say it's quit a BIG leap!