Sunday, August 26, 2012

Joshua's 3D Game Model is Complete!

Here's Joshua's finished 3D game model! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!

Here's his concept art that I designed just to remind you.

I started by texturing his high polygon 3D ZBrush model.

Then I transferred the all textures onto my low polygon model that I made using the Nex 1.6 plugin for Maya.

And it all started from this 3D model. This is my very first attempt at Joshua.

A million and one mistakes later has led me to this new 3D model. Once again not a bad leap forward!

J-Dirty's 3D Game Model is Complete!

Here it is ladies and gentlemen the final low polygon game model for J-Dirty! Enjoy!

I tried to get it as close to the concept art as I could but also add extra little details.

 First I painted the textures on this high polygon ZBrush Model.

Then I transferred the all textures onto my low polygon model that I made using the Nex 1.6 plugin for Maya.

 I can't believe it all started from this 3D model. This is my very first attempt at modeling J-Dirty.

It has lead me to this latest version of J-Dirty. I'd say it's quit a BIG leap!