Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Positive Relatable Video Game Characters(2)

I have yet to play Left 4 Dead (2008) and Left 4 Dead 2 (2009) because I don't own an XBox 360 but I already had Louis and Rochelle picked as positive relatable video game characters. Their outward appearance alone separates them from the mold of the stereotypical African American male and female. When I read up their background information and character traits I was full of joy.

Louis is a Junior Systems Analyst in the IT department for Franklin Brothers in Philadelphia before the zombie outbreak in Left 4 Dead. His attire is like the average business man. He wears a button down shirt, tie, and slacks. Also even though he is stuck in this horrible situation where zombies are trying to eat him alive, when he speaks you can tell he is a well educated man.

Rochelle is a minor associate producer for a news station with a high reputation. She was in Savannah producing a segment about the evacuation center when the area became overrun with zombies in Left 4 Dead 2. She is fully dress and doesn't have an attitude all the time. She doesn't fit the "Angry Black Woman" stereotype and is actually very caring towards her fellow survivors.

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