Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thesis Visual Component(2)

These are my character concept sketches illustrating how the difference in someone's character traits can dramatically change their outward appearance.

This is an early concept of J Dirty. I changed his design a lot because he wasn't thugish enough.

Name: Joshua Davis Jr. III, but he likes to go by “J Dirty”

Josh has always had the best in life. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Josh being an only child, his parents always gave him whatever he wanted without question. Growing up in his great big mansion, Josh has always loved hardcore gangster rap music. He loves NWA, 50 Cent, The Ying Yang Twins, Little John, and many other hip hop artists. Although he has never left his parents home he’s always wondered what it would be like growing up in the “hood” or “ghetto”. He’s always wanted to live the life of a hardcore thug. Growing up Josh was always a straight “A” student, but he also sold drugs on the side. He called it getting his street creds up. After Josh graduated from high school with very high honors, his parents wanted him to go off to college and become a doctor or lawyer, but all Josh can think about is becoming the next big hip hop artist. Josh has a crew of friends that he hangs out with and they smoke weed and play video games all day. He secretly likes baking cookies and cakes when no one is watching.

Quote 1: “Let me pimp or let me die”

Quote 2: “I was born a hustla, I’m gonna die a hustla, and whether you like it or hate it I’m the fool yo mama warned you about.”

Name: Joshua Davis

Joshua’s life is one of constant struggle. He’s the younger of two boys and his mother left them in the care of their grandmother when they were babies. Since she was addicted to cocaine she knew she wouldn’t be able to take care of them. Joshua found out that she died when he was 12 and he’s been going downhill ever since. Not knowing who his father is didn’t help at all either. He was constantly getting into fights at school because they would tease him about his mother dying and saying his father must be Saddam Hussein or something because of the way he looks. They would call him terrorist among other hurtful things, so Joshua joined a local neighborhood gang so that he could feel safe. His older brother Jason thought this was a stupid idea and that he didn’t want Joshua to throw is life away. Jason would always tell Joshua, “All we have are each other in this world Joshua, and no matter what happens I’ll always take care of you little brother.” Joshua always looked up to his big brother Jason. When Jason graduates high school he decides to join the military. He says it’s the only way he can make money and one day take care of him and Joshua. He goes over seas and leaves Joshua in the care of their grandmother. At the age of 17 Joshua and his grandmother get a letter about Jason from the military, and it says, “Soldier Jason Davis on medical discharge because of schizophrenia.” Joshua had never heard that word before. “What does it mean?” he asks. Joshua was just glad his brother was coming back home, but when Jason got back he wasn’t the same. He was talking and acting differently and most of what he said didn’t make since. After Joshua and his grandmother found out from the doctor what schizophrenia was he knew things would never be the same but he had hope. Joshua knew that he would have to find out more about it and maybe there was a cure out there somewhere. He knew that it wouldn’t be easy but he had to do better in school so that he could go to college and become a doctor. Now Joshua attends medical school where he hopes to get a great education and travel the world studying medicine.

Quote 1: “I have to be strong for my brother.”

Quote 2: “Now it’s my turn to take care of you big brother.”

Quote 3: “All we have are each other in this world Jason, and no matter what happens I’ll always take care of you big brother.”

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